First off, I had to add this photo above. Carter was the talk of the hospital in this little outfit. We have a little tradition of Doug picking out and purchasing the homecoming outfits of our children. With Carter being born so close to opening day of gun season, Doug couldn't resist this little camo outfit from Cabela's. Everyone at the hospital called him a little hunter.
And then there were three...
Bedtimes have been interesting. Before Carter arrived Doug would put Isaac to bed in his room, I'd put Bella to bed in her room... no problems. However now there is a third little person who needs attention during that hour of the night. We're still trying to figure out a good routine.
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I have yet to go to the store with all three. That will be quite interesting. However I did go to the store with the younger two and have since decided that I will do my very best to avoid trips with all three.
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Getting Isaac on the bus while keeping everyone happy... not an easy task. Especially now that the temperature outside is so cold! I have to bundle everyone up; I'm not quite trusting to leave Bella and Carter indoors together...
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It's only been a week... I know we have many more adjustments to come. For those of you who already have 3 or more children... I think you are amazing!