Thursday, November 13, 2008

Due Date Shmue Date....

Well, I said I wouldn't do it.... and yet I did. Long before this child in my womb was ever created I promised myself that I would never "go by my due date" again. After Bella's late arrival (by 5 days) I had decided that next time I was pregnant I would bump the "due date" a whole week. Somewhere in the excitement of finding out I was pregnant with this little guy, I must have forgotten about that promise I made myself. Now I'm wishing I would have remembered.

Here I sit at my computer... it is the 13th day of November. The day my doctor says the baby is "due". Guess what? Still no baby! I think we need to throw due dates out the window. From now on we should only have "due months". Wow, when are you due??? Oh sometime in November. Yes, that is what I should've been saying this whole time. Maybe next time I'll learn- that is, if there is a next time.

Carter will arrive when he's good and ready. This I am quite sure. Doug still claims he'll be good and ready on the 15th (Opening Day of Hunting). Doug's theory (which he wrote in detail on our calendar): Doug will go hunting in the backyard early in the morning. He'll shoot a giant deer (hopefully a buck), gut it, then hang it. Once all is done and he's cleaned up my labor will start, we'll head into the hospital and Carter will arrive around 5pm. Funny thing is I'll never hear the end of it if Doug ends up being right. Only time will tell...


Kristin Riedel said...

Are you seriously not going to have the baby today? I thought that the due dates were a guarentee! Ha, Ha!

Tonia said...

Love the post-you're too cute!!!

Emily said...

I just received your message about the babe arriving!! Can't wait to see pics. We love you guys!!