Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still Waiting...

This little cartoon is perfect! First off- my silly computer takes FOREVER to download anything. So comparing this pregnancy to downloading is absolutley perfect. It feels neverending! Secondly- my sweet children are constantly asking when Carter will be here. For so long I told them that he would come after Halloween. Well, it is after Halloween now and they want to know where the heck their little brother is. I'm sure you can tell by the tone of this blog that I'm growing very impatient. Horrible I know, considering my due date is still another 2 days away (13th).

It's amazing that Bella was 5 days late. It didn't even phase me that she was late! But with this one, I feel like he's a month overdue! I think much of those feelings have to do with the fact that I've been dealing with such difficult pelvic and pubic bone pain the past month. My body has just felt very ready to have him out. Of course I'd like him to come at his own time so that I may have better chances of an easy labor & delivery... but to top of the physical strain I'm starting to add emotional strain.

So I sat here yesterday, contemplating... why is this pregnancy so hard to endure and Bella's was not. I suppose the fact that I'm taking care of two children now instead of just one has a little to do with it. My energy level is not the same. I realize too the way I'm carrying this one has made walking, moving, sleeping, etc. all the more difficult. My belly is straight out in front and extremely LOW. But I think the biggest reason this has been so difficult to endure is simply the fact that I'm not first to go! What I mean by that is, when Bella arrived I had sister inlaws pregnant with me- but due after me (along with several friends). I was the first to welcome my little one during that time. With this one, my sister in laws have already given birth and even a friend that was due after me has already given birth!

Well I suppose I am just rambling now. I just wanted to let everyone know that Carter feels the need to keep on "downloading". Please say a little prayer for me- not necessarily that he will come soon, but that I will be able to gain a little more patience for his arrival. He can't stay in there forever right???


Kristin Riedel said...

That picture is great! The last month of pregrancy stinks. You start have the braxton hicks contractions and sometimes it's hard to tell if they are going to be the real thing or if they are just fake. Then in your case your body has started making the changes that it needs to put you in labor and still nothing. You know though that soon enough he'll be born and then the fun begins.

Trina said...

Cute picture!!

The Dalton Family said...

I love the cartoon. Thanks so much for the kind words and prayers. Guess we could all use some support. All will work out as planned, darling. My whole family is keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Tonia said...

When I was pregnant with Brooklyn 3 of my close friends were all pregnant. They all had their babies before me. There were also an additional 3-4 women in the ward due at the same time and they all beat me too. It stinks to be the last one still pregnant!!! Enjoy your last few nights of uninterrupted sleep as uninterrupted as it can be with tossing and turning and midnight bathroom calls.