Well, this is winter where we live. We all knew this type of snow storm was coming. The kids woke up this morning, looked out the window, and were completley mesmerized by all the snow they saw. I think the pile on our patio table shows it the best. The snow was still coming down when I took this photo too so it was even worse by the time it stopped.

Knowing we couldn't travel very far we decided to head over to our neighbors house across the street to have a play date. The kids had so much fun, especially when the decided to play dress up.
The above photo is of Bella & Griffen (both 2 and half years old)

Well I managed to drive over to the neighbors house safely and even drive home safely... however once I got into my own driveway I got stuck! And of course within feet of pulling into the garage. I kept backing up and trying to go forward and it just wasn't working with all the ice on the driveway under the snow. So finally I said forget it! I parked the car and headed inside with the kids. Within a few hours Doug came home and plowed the driveway with his excavator and then pulled the car into the garage with the excavator too.
Gotta love winter right??? Not me!

That sucks that you got stuck. At least it was in your own driveway and your hubby came home to safe the day. Oh boy do I love winter. Yeah right!!!
it actually snowed here in Vegas a couple days ago! Alot too!! We got 4 inches! Which is nuts for VEgas.. and the funny thing is that the city of Vegas doesn't have any plows or salt trucks or anything so the roads were AWFUL.. we had to cancel work becuase of it. ANyhoo- loved to see the snow again though! rEminded me of home...
I love the picture of the kids infront of the Christmas tree...it looks like Halloween in December.
P.S. Your pictures made be so grateful I live in CA! No snow!!!
Merry Christmas!
I know what you mean! We had a ton of snow this week too. We luckily didn't have to drive in it too much since we're on a break, but I'm a little nervous about the next few weeks!
Hey girl! Ya, I know its getting close! My friend Jen is throwing me a baby shower this month.. I can't wait! (Although I need to tell the girls not to buy me onesies- i have a TON of those!) Anyhoo- ya, I have only read the first Twilight book and seen the movie. So i am excited to read the rest. Gives me something to fill the time!
I saw your name on a friend's daughter's blog I visit occasionally - Sierra Hocklander. Anyhow, we used to live in Michigan (Howell)... And you wouldn't per chance be related to a Doug Norton that teaches history in Howell, would you? He was mine a(and I think my husband's) history teacher at HHS. If so, it's truely a SMALL world!
Anyhow, Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Michelle (Fondriest) Morgan
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