Carter had his 2 month check up with the doctor yesterday. I wasn't surprised to find out he is in the 97th percentile for his weight. Isaac was the same way... I think there even was a time when Isaac was off the charts. Big boys just run in the family (especially the Norton side). It's so sad that they grow up so fast... but especially when babies like mine get big so fast. Carter can only wear a few of his 3-6 month outfits but for the most part is moving onto 6-9 months. He loves to stare at me and smile. I love it! He just makes me so happy.
Weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces
Height: 24 and half inches (95th percentile)

Oh my goodness has Carter grown. Slow down cutie, you are growing so fast. We love little guy. Grandma and Grandpa Mapley
I can't believe he's 2 mths already and almost in 6-9mth clothes! My Adi is 28mths and in 18mth size clothes - opposite side of the spectrum!
I love the pictures. He sure is growing fast.
My boys were both super big too. I love a big chubby baby!
Such a cutie! Emi is 10 months and 16 lbs 11 oz--and still comfortably wears her 6-9 months clothes--they are all so different.
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