Well I'm a few days early on the weight loss post... but I just had to get it out. I'm not doing so hot this week. My junk food cravings over powered me a few times this week. I even ate 10 piece nuggets and a small fry at McDonalds. And no... I did not stay within my alloted Weight Watchers points that day either. Yesterday I also chowed down on a little bag of mini oreo cookies (meant for Isaac's lunches). Now, I know all of this is okay with weight watchers so long as your doing the point system. Well, I wasn't... in my little head I was just saying "Screw it! I'm hungry for junk!" I was so fed up with myself by last night that I decided to take a picture of myself (a sister suggested this) in my sports bra and some little swim shorts (That sadly fit me perfect before Carter and last night I struggled immensley to get them up over my thighs and butt). Anyhow, there's no way in heck that I will post those photos... I'm way too embarrassed. However I plan to look at those now whenever I want that junk food so bad. I was so disgusted of myself when I looked at them... I'm still crossing my fingers that when I step on the scale Sunday morning it will be another loss and not a gain. I've got a few days to make up for my laziness I guess. Right now I'm eating a 1 point Weight Watchers Yogurt (that is actually really really good) and a 2 point Minute Maid Juice Box. That's my breakfast... I'm already feeling full. I may eat a banana to hold me over too. Today is a new day.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Potty Training My Runway Model

Bella recently started this new pose when we ask her to say "Cheese" for the camera. One time I tried to imitate her and I put both my hands on my hips and said cheese. She quickly fixed me, "No Mom... like this... not both hands" and place one hand on her hip. As many of you know Bella has this horrible habit of climbing on our counters and walking around. The other day I was making dinner and she climbed up there and started walking back and forth like a runway. At each end she stopped to pose and said "cheese" with her hand on her hip. I laughed so hard... she is such a girl!
And on another note, Bella is finally wearing underwear! She will be 3 in April and Doug and I just had enough of the double diaper changing. Especially on Bella because she is so big. She was ready the last couple months, I was just too lazy to do it. She started the whole process straight to underwear last Wednesday. Wednesday had 4 accidents, Thursday had 2 accidents, Saturday had 2 accidents, and yesterday had no accidents. She's doing great! We're so proud of her. She's pretty dang proud of herself too. When she sits down to go pee and knows it's coming or hears it she grins from ear to ear. Such a big girl now!
Posted by Tenille at 8:39 AM 4 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Not Much But Better Then Nothing
Posted by Tenille at 2:25 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My Public Weight Loss Journey
Posted by Tenille at 5:44 PM 8 comments
97th Percentile

Posted by Tenille at 4:02 PM 5 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Our Little Girly Girl

Continuing with the story of our girly girl... after eating breakfast and sending Isaac off to school I told Bella to go upstairs and get dressed (something new we've been trying... letting her pick her clothes). Well this is how she came downstairs, boots and all. I couldn't stop laughing. I'm just glad that she is only 2 dressing like this and not 16.
Posted by Tenille at 11:22 AM 5 comments
Tummy Time
Posted by Tenille at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Isaac's First Tournament

Posted by Tenille at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Ice Skating New Years Day

Our local ice skating rink offers these little walker things for the kids to use to balance on. Isaac tried it a few times without, but ultimatley decided it was best to use the walker. Even with the walker he fell down on his bum a few times as you can see below... however, he still LOVED ice skating and wants to go back really bad.

Posted by Tenille at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Christmas Day With The Mapley's

Posted by Tenille at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Christmas Morning

Bella was just as excited about her Barbie computer

I almost didn't get Carter anything this year because he is so little and we already have all the big baby items. But I decided that wouldn't be fair to him looking back at pictures one day of his first Christmas... here we are after opening a "tummy time" (which actually has come in very handy latley).
Posted by Tenille at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Christmas Eve With The Norton's

Posted by Tenille at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Santa Took Them All...
I have so many blogs and pictures to post from the crazy last few weeks. First I thought I'd start off by sharing our little story about Santa and the binkies (pacifiers for those of you who don't use the term binky). Bella has been a binky addict for 2 and half years now... stuck to her like glue. So we decided to get rid of it the same way we got rid of it with Isaac (however he was 3). We told Bella that Santa needed to take all of her binkies to other babies who weren't big like her and he'd leave her presents in place of her binkies. She was totally cool with this plan, but we still worried about the outcome.
Christmas Eve she fell asleep on the way home with the binky in her mouth. I carried her up to bed and once I laid her down she woke up a little bit so I asked her for her binky so I could leave it for Santa. She handed it to me and went to sleep. That night she only woke up once asking for it and we just reminded her the Santa was bringing presents. The next morning she was so excited to see all the presents.
She only asked for it a few times after that and we continued to explain that Santa took them to babies. She never through any tantrums and never cried... we got lucky. She occassionally takes Carter's binky and hides in a corner to suck on it but that will pass (Isaac did the same with Bella). A funny moment though- The other night she woke up about an hour after going to bed just screaming so I kinda laid down with her in bed (with Carter in my arms in between us). I told her to snuggle me and Carter and go back to sleep. She grabbed his hand (usually she does this and kisses it) so I assumed that's what was going to happen. Instead she picked it up and was trying to put it in her mouth like a binky. She finally stopped herself and looked at his hand, realizing what it was, put it down and went to sleep. So cute! I couldn't stop laughing...
Anyhow... Santa took them all and she's doing great! Yippee!!!
Posted by Tenille at 9:05 AM 2 comments