Saturday, November 29, 2008
My Snow Babies

Posted by Tenille at 11:50 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Some Advice Please...
Posted by Tenille at 4:40 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Deer for Carter
Posted by Tenille at 6:52 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Adjusting To Three
Posted by Tenille at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Vampires & Newborns
Posted by Tenille at 10:13 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Home At Last
We're finally home! Thank you to my wonderful family members for posting all the great pictures and slides (you can view slideshows on their blogs- which I'll try to post on here). It is so awesome to finally have Carter out of my belly and in our arms! He's a great baby and very content.
Friday morning I went in for my regular check up to discover that on the doctors charts they have been considering my due date November 14th the entire time. Which makes his arrival all the more crazy. That morning (after a long debated friendly argument with my doctor) he convinced me to get my membranes stripped saying I'd probably go into labor within 1-2 days. Well, one hour later I was at my sisters to pick up my kids and the contractions started right up. They stayed 3-5 minutes apart and so my sister requested I stick around before heading home. After about an hour of that she started calling people, including my other sister Trina who came to get my kids. I knew Doug was on a job that really needed to be finished so I didn't want to call him or go into the hospital. Finally Kristin and Trina convinced me I really was in labor and I called Doug. Kristin drove me to the hospital where we were met by Doug and my parents.
The contractions continued to be every 2-4 minutes apart... hardly any pain at all. I was moved into a laboring room and still felt as though I wasn't really in labor. Amidst texting family of our hospital news I jokingly sent a text to my sister in law Rachael telling her he already arrived and was 10lbs 3oz. She believed me yet once she realized it wasn't true she sent back a text that said "May painful contractions be upon you..." And just as though she was using some type of witchcraft, my contractions literally changed night and day and I was in tears because they were so painful! This happened within minutes of her text at 5:30. That's when labor flew right along... I asked for an epidural by 6pm but they were so insanely busy I didn't recieve it until 7:20pm.
The epidural worked on the pain of the contractions but I still felt every single ounce of pressure from Carters head... that pain was insane. However that lasted less then an hour... after 15 minutes of pushing out he came. He weighed in at 9 pounds 6.8 ounces (so they rounded up) and 21 and half inches. His head measured at 14.4 inches... much smaller then Bella's!
I feel as though I have been glowing ever since that last push that got him out. It feels WONDERFUL to no longer be pregnant and finally see the beautiful product of all that pain I endured. He is amazing and sleeps great compared to my last two. I will be sure to post more pictures as the week goes on. Thank you so much for all of the support I have recieved from everyone. And to those of you who are still pregnant- best of luck on your journey. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you!
Posted by Tenille at 8:50 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Due Date Shmue Date....
Well, I said I wouldn't do it.... and yet I did. Long before this child in my womb was ever created I promised myself that I would never "go by my due date" again. After Bella's late arrival (by 5 days) I had decided that next time I was pregnant I would bump the "due date" a whole week. Somewhere in the excitement of finding out I was pregnant with this little guy, I must have forgotten about that promise I made myself. Now I'm wishing I would have remembered.
Here I sit at my computer... it is the 13th day of November. The day my doctor says the baby is "due". Guess what? Still no baby! I think we need to throw due dates out the window. From now on we should only have "due months". Wow, when are you due??? Oh sometime in November. Yes, that is what I should've been saying this whole time. Maybe next time I'll learn- that is, if there is a next time.
Carter will arrive when he's good and ready. This I am quite sure. Doug still claims he'll be good and ready on the 15th (Opening Day of Hunting). Doug's theory (which he wrote in detail on our calendar): Doug will go hunting in the backyard early in the morning. He'll shoot a giant deer (hopefully a buck), gut it, then hang it. Once all is done and he's cleaned up my labor will start, we'll head into the hospital and Carter will arrive around 5pm. Funny thing is I'll never hear the end of it if Doug ends up being right. Only time will tell...
Posted by Tenille at 9:08 AM 3 comments
For the Twilight Fans
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!
Thank you Trina for finding this quiz! This is for all the other Twilight Fans out there- which female are you? This is what it said about me being Esme (not sure if I agree completley but I'd rather be Esme then Rosalie!)
"You are thoughtful and care very deeply for your family. A loving home is of great importance to you and you always try to make people feel welcome. Although you have a great capacity to love, you also have a great capacity to hurt, so at times you can be sensitive. You're firm when you need to be, but people trust your judgment and appreciate the kind way you always handle things"
Posted by Tenille at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Still Waiting...
This little cartoon is perfect! First off- my silly computer takes FOREVER to download anything. So comparing this pregnancy to downloading is absolutley perfect. It feels neverending! Secondly- my sweet children are constantly asking when Carter will be here. For so long I told them that he would come after Halloween. Well, it is after Halloween now and they want to know where the heck their little brother is. I'm sure you can tell by the tone of this blog that I'm growing very impatient. Horrible I know, considering my due date is still another 2 days away (13th).
It's amazing that Bella was 5 days late. It didn't even phase me that she was late! But with this one, I feel like he's a month overdue! I think much of those feelings have to do with the fact that I've been dealing with such difficult pelvic and pubic bone pain the past month. My body has just felt very ready to have him out. Of course I'd like him to come at his own time so that I may have better chances of an easy labor & delivery... but to top of the physical strain I'm starting to add emotional strain.
So I sat here yesterday, contemplating... why is this pregnancy so hard to endure and Bella's was not. I suppose the fact that I'm taking care of two children now instead of just one has a little to do with it. My energy level is not the same. I realize too the way I'm carrying this one has made walking, moving, sleeping, etc. all the more difficult. My belly is straight out in front and extremely LOW. But I think the biggest reason this has been so difficult to endure is simply the fact that I'm not first to go! What I mean by that is, when Bella arrived I had sister inlaws pregnant with me- but due after me (along with several friends). I was the first to welcome my little one during that time. With this one, my sister in laws have already given birth and even a friend that was due after me has already given birth!
Well I suppose I am just rambling now. I just wanted to let everyone know that Carter feels the need to keep on "downloading". Please say a little prayer for me- not necessarily that he will come soon, but that I will be able to gain a little more patience for his arrival. He can't stay in there forever right???
Posted by Tenille at 8:48 AM 4 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Trick or Treat!!!
This year we took the kids to Grandma and Grandpa's to trick or treat. We ate yummy appetizers before heading out. The kids all surprisingly lasted a very long time. Everyone had a great time. Especially once they saw the candy the received!
Posted by Tenille at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Meemee's Halloween Party
Every year Doug's mom "Meemee" throws a halloween party for all the grandkids. Everyone brings some yummy appetizers and a carved pumpkin. After we chow down the kids then parade around their costumes to the music "Monster Mash". After the parade we light all the pumpkins and see whose pumpkin stays lit the longest. During this time Meemee (or another adult) will tell a Halloween story or sing song. This year Jarod & Nathan's big pumpkin won. After the pumpking contest the kids have the opportunity to "Trick or Treat" for non candy items from all the aunts and uncles who strategically place themselves around the house (or in years past- in the yard). Everyone goes away happy and excited. This really is a fun tradition that we all look forward to every year. Thank you Meemee!!!
Posted by Tenille at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
From Soccer Star to Little Wrestler...
Posted by Tenille at 7:14 PM 3 comments

This is a sad, sad, sad photo. Oh so big... and I can now see that in the last few weeks my face has started to get chunky (something I was hoping to avoid all together). Such is life I suppose. Anyhow- as you can see I decided to be a pumpkin. When out trick or treating I recieved a few crazy comments. First was passing the neighbors house (my parents neighbor), they called out "Tenille, is that real???" Ha! Funny! And then shortly after that I had a woman stare at my stomach ask when I was due and after I said two weeks, she replied with "wow, you just look miserable!" Oh my goodness, that is just something you do not tell someone who is in their last month of a pregnancy. Overall we had a great halloween. We have so many other "halloween" pictures from the holiday that I will hopefully make into a slideshow and post on here another day.
Posted by Tenille at 4:15 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Last Chance Guesses???
Well I am 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant and Carter has not yet chosen to come out of my womb. I never did post all the guesses that came in about a month ago so I thought I would post them here now. I suppose the newcomers have an advantage now, so if you posted before and would like to "reguess" feel free to leave it in the comment section and I'll change it in his baby book. I'll include a few updates as well:
At 37 weeks I was 1cm and 30% effaced. On Friday the 17th of October I had regular contractions 5 minutes apart for 2 hours. Since then nothing has been too regular, but I continue to have at least one contraction an hour if not more. I've only had about 5 "painful" contractions in the last week. The baby has dropped a little bit. The pelvic pain has intensified. I'm no longer asking to be checked because I believe that only gives false hope. I also will not have my membranes stripped or anything of that sort unless I am a week over my due date. So with that said- here are the old guesses:
Theresa: Nov. 1st @ 8:36pm NOPE!
Jenny R: Nov. 2nd NOPE!
Jenny H: Nov. 3rd @ 5:30am - 8lbs 14oz 20 1/2 in. NOPE!
Kristin: Nov. 4th @ 11am - 9lbs 15oz 20in NOPE!
Trina: Nov. 7th @ 4:30pm - 9lbs 2oz 20 1/2 in. NOPE!
Talia: Nov. 10th @ 7:30pm - 8lbs 6oz 20 1/2 in.
Analisa: Nov. 12th @ 4:25pm - 8lbs 3oz 19 in.
Tonia: Nov. 16th @ 3:23pm - 9lbs 3oz 22 in.
Mom & Dad N. : Nov. 22nd - 8lbs 8oz 20 in.
Cecilia: Nov. 26th @8pm - 9lbs 5oz 20 in.
Posted by Tenille at 8:48 AM 4 comments