Yay!!! Weight Watchers is working for me! I'm very happy to report that this week I lost 3 pounds... most of which I'm sure was shed after Wednesday. By Wednesday I got my act together... quit eating junk, quit the unnecessary snacking, and decided to just stick to weight watchers. I've started to drink water whenever I feel the urge to eat. When that urge comes I also try to go and do something to keep busy before heading to the kitchen... like cleaning the bathrooms (which totally kills my appetite) or dejunking a room. This helps me focus elsewhere and therefore makes me forget that I wanted a "snack". If I want to taste something that is high in points then I make sure I eat a fruit of veggie before hand and drink water so that once I taste that YUMMY food I won't want as much becuase my tummy will be more full. Anyhow... all these things I'm figuring out but have really known all along will really help me continue with this journey. I'm determined... thank you especially to Courtney and Rachael who seem to be my cheerleaders! Texas will be hard... so much mexican food. But I'm going to make it through and plan to still report in next Sunday with a weight loss. Wish me luck!
PS. In case you didn't know we are leaving this dreadfully cold and depressing weather on Wednesday. We are so excited to go to San Antonio where we can finally wear t shirts and bask in the sunlight without worrying about frostbite! One week won't seem long enough, but we are SOOOO ready for a vacation and so are the kiddos.
Way to go Tenille!! Yeah, just keep rubbing it in that you are leaving all of us behind in this freezing cold weather while you take your family to Texas. Make sure you take some sunscreen.
Good job Tenille!
Yay, Tia! Hope TX is great!! My diet doesn't seem to be working much...I'm exercising and eating alright, but my weight keeps climbing and my belly seems to keep expanding... ;) BTW: It's a boy!! :)
Good for you Tia! Your so beautiful anyways.. have fun on yoru trip!
Good for you!
Yea! I'm glad it's working. I went back to Weight Watchers and on Friday I had lost 1.6 lbs. I was so excited! I've tried for over a year now to loose that much and nothing! It was just enough to keep me going this week. We can do it!!!
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