Thursday, February 26, 2009
Baby Madilyn

Posted by Tenille at 2:45 PM 4 comments
The Big Brother

Posted by Tenille at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Reverting Back 3 months Later...

Posted by Tenille at 2:26 PM 3 comments
Worst Cold Ever...

Posted by Tenille at 2:12 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Arrived last Wednesday... didn't get to sleep until 2am (early Thursday morning). San Antonio = very beautiful. Visited Buckhorn Museum, Childrens Museum (awesome), Mi Tierra (amazing authentic Mexican Cuisine), Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch (feeding Zebras was so cool), Wonder World Park (caverns were BEAUTIFUL!), Matamoras (more yummy mexican cuisine), The Alamo, Louis Toussauds Wax Museum, Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum, Mirror Maze and Lazer Challenge, The River Walk (very beautiful).... and now visiting in Corpus Christi.
We've had a great time... kept very busy. The kids are having fun. The weather has been mildly great (high 60s), however we were hoping it would be warmer. Tomorrow will be in the 70s... yay! Tomorrow we will be visiting the Texas State Aquarium and the USS Lexington along with Padre Islands. We'll be sad to head home this Tuesday. I have sooooo many picture to upload. I think I'll wait and make a slideshow and will be sure to post it when we get home.
Posted by Tenille at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Posted by Tenille at 2:52 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Today I Cried....
And then I worked out... Let me elaborate.
I've been dejunking my house the last few days. Today I was dejunking the master bedroom. All was going great until I reached my closet. I started to dejunk and organize the MANY clothes I have in there. As I stared at the clothes hanging up, the clothes on the shelves, and the clothes in a basket on the closet floor... it all just hit me and I cried. I have so many clothes and yet right now my wardrobe consists of 2 pairs of jeans and about 5 black shirts. That's it... that's all I'm comfortable wearing. I have so many CUTE clothes that I am dying to wear again. I don't want to get ready every day and look like a frump... a chunky frump... but I do and it's driving me nuts. And I'm just not willing to go out and buy a whole new colorful wardrobe in my current size.
So the tears... let me explain. Not only did I cry because I want to wear all those cute clothes again but I also cried because I'm so mad at myself. Why in the world do I feel it necessary to constantly eat. Snacking is all I want to do. I feel like I need to put a lock and chain on the cupboards and the refrigerator and give it to Doug to hide somewhere. I've had these horrible eating habits since I was little. I've also been extremely lazy since I was little as well. Why can I not control myself??? Even right now as I type I want so badly to go over to the kitchen and eat! I just ate a snack not too long ago... so sad. I'm just so mad at myself.
So as I was crying I decided to stop... right then and there as the kids were running around screaming and Carter was crying I decided to go down in the basement, put in the old Taebo video and work out. Wow was that embarassing... Just in the first 5 minutes of the STRETCHING (not the work out but the stretching) I was ready to give up. But I didn't... I pushed myself right along into the work out. Ouch, ouch, ouch... my throat hurts because I was counting so loud. I figured my voice would drown out the pain. This is pathetic huh? Anyhow, I stopped at one point and was looking down at the ground and Isaac shouted "keep going Mom!" I told him from now on he needs to remind me to work out. Not sure if he will remember that, but if he does then great! One more reminder. I always try to put off working out until Doug is home... but lately that is not until 7 or later. By the time we get the kids bathed and in bed, I'm beat and ready for bed. So now I guess I just need to force myself to work out during the day even when my household seems chaotic.
So even now, as I end this post... I still want to cry. It's okay to cry right? The skinny pictures of me help but at the same time they make it worse. Like constant reminders of how cute I once was... and then I cross a mirror in my house and am brought back to reality. It sucks, it really really sucks. I'm trying to hard to stay positive. I'm embarassed to even post any of this, but it also feels good to get it out there, let it all out. That old LDS saying is perfect for me right now... of course the real saying is talking about life and is supposed to be coming from the Savior, but I think it can work for me right now as well.
Posted by Tenille at 3:17 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
One Pound At A Time
Okay, so I weighed in yesterday... a loss of one pound. Better then a gain... but I know I can do even better. Just got to get control of the snacking and put some fitness into my schedule. I'm just plain old lazy. I'm staying positive though. The pic on my fridge really helps me... I want to be that cute sexy vibrant girl again. I'm only 26!
The chocolate was the killer this week. I just wanted chocolate. And not just a little bit, but allot. Today is the start of a new week. I can do this... I can lose 46 pounds!
Posted by Tenille at 10:18 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm In Love!




These pictures were captured while he sat next to me by the computer desk. He loves attention. The first few photos are how he looks so long as I keep talking to him and looking at him every once in awhile. The last two pictures are how he looks when I "ignore" him for more then 5 minutes. Too cute!
Posted by Tenille at 7:53 PM 3 comments
Carter in all his cuteness

Posted by Tenille at 7:47 PM 1 comments
Bella's Beauty Routine

Posted by Tenille at 7:41 PM 3 comments
Bath Time for the Chunkers!

Posted by Tenille at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Some Great Advice

Posted by Tenille at 7:21 PM 3 comments
No Loss- No Gain
Posted by Tenille at 1:36 PM 0 comments