Last Monday we decided to carve pumpkins for FHE. Both the kids were really excited and kept asking all day when it would be time. Doug helped them for the most part but somehow I managed to be the one in the photos.

Bella was excited up until I told her to put her hand inside and pull out the guts. She looked inside and then looked at me like I was crazy. Eventually she started to pull them out but kept this disgusted look on her face like she couldn't believe what she was doing. As you can see by the above photo I was trying to act as excited as possible to keep her digging.

Once all the guts were out and we were done carving, she was pretty dang proud of her pumpkin. She kept saying it was scary!

Now, Isaac on the other hand loved the feeling of the pumpkin guts. He was all smiles the entire time. After he was finished he helped his Dad draw a scary face to carve.

Doug helped Isaac with is scary pumpkin, but also took the time to carve the middle goofy one for little unborn Carter. After carving we set them in front of the fire place, lit some candles and turned the lights off. This was the first year that we didn't use those fancy stencils to carve pumpkins (you know with the haunted houses or flying witches). Turned out to be lots of fun letting the kids use their own imaginations (mixed with mom and dads of course).
Their pumpkins look cute! I remember when the girls had the same reaction that Bella had, not wanting to reach in and take the guts out. Keep getting excited then maybe one day she will want to help clean the dead animals that Doug brings home.
The pumpkins turned out so great! You have such a cute family...I wish we lived closer, we'll have to plan a trip to Michigan soon.
The jack-o-lanterns are cute. I like the way Dougs turned out too. I was wondering how that was going to look. Cute.
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