Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It Happened...

Well.... it happened. I fell into the trap and am officially in love with the Twilight Series. I once was one of those people who laughed and made fun of the crazy "vampire" lovers and yet now I have become one. The majority of the girls on my Norton side have been raving about this series the past few months. When I found out that our "Norton Girls Night" in November would be to see the new movie "Twilight" I figured I better at least read the first book so I wasn't lost. So I purchased the paperback at Target for $8 last Thursday at about 2pm. I finished it the next day at 10pm!!! I couldn't put the thing down- it was insane. I wanted to read the 2nd one right away but knew I could patient and hold out... that is until late Friday night I discovered the "preview chapter" for the next book. After I read that I was doomed- Saturday afternoon I was at Walmart purchasing New Moon. I paced myself better with that one though- just recently finishing it yesterday. Now I'm trying to be patient and wait for my mother in law to bring me the 3rd and 4th books on Thursday. This is the first day in a week that I haven't read the Twilight Series! Sad huh? Well I must say looking at the picture for the new movie has me ecstatic to watch it. Little Carter better come out long before the movie or wait until after it arrives because I have every intention of sitting in the theater on opening night!!!
Go ahead and laugh all you haters- but pick up the book once and I promise you'll fall in too!


Trina said...

Your so funny! I can't believe you already finished the second one. I was waiting to see if you would post something about your books. I'm glad we had a chance to hang out this weekend and you were able to put the book aside for a little bit. Ha Ha. It was fun!!

Kristin Riedel said...
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ajc16_18 said...

HAH! I remember you giving me crap for reading those books!! You are horrible! H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!!!!! lol I am glad you finally joined our pathetic club though! hahaha

Tenille said...
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Kristin Riedel said...
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Court said...

I was the same way Tenille, right after I finished the first book I went out and bought the second...Chuck bought me the third and the fourth for our anniversary! I LOVE the books...I read for entertainment also! I'm glad you liked them.

jamie said...

i am always glad when people give the books a chance and see how addicting they are because i started reading them just before the second book came out and i loved them -same thing i would finish the book the same day and then reread it the next day to make sure i hadn't skipped anything important-but it makes me happy when people eventally decide to try and read it because i got so much grief at first-in fact at first i wouldn't tell anyone what the books were about i would just say they were really good because i was always getting mocked- hahaha