Oh how I wish this invention truley existed! To top off all of the insane pain I've been experiencing from the tail end of this pregnancy... Heavenly Father has decided to give me a nasty head cold as well. I'm sure there is a reason for this trial... but right now I cannot see it and am just plain miserable. I feel like my head is about to burst right along with my tummy. I know- This too shall pass...
That is pretty funny. Maybe Doug can help put one together for you.
There are a lot of people that need this contraption. Whenever I hear someone sucking their snot back in I can just imagine that running right down their throats and into their stomachs. Kinda makes you want to vomit. I would love to see this sold in the stores!
Let me know if you need help watching the kids so you can get some rest. I'm just sitting around most of the time. And it would give me something better to do than sit on the computer.
Kristin I think I'm going to puke-Thanks so much for the nasty description! I wish I could watch your kids Tenille-Brooklyn would love to have Isabella around!!!
Tenille-Did I ever get a cd from our Michigan trip? I love the picture on your sidebar of Isabella trying to hug Brooklyn and Brooklyn trying to get away. I want it.
Ooops! Nope I never sent it. Completley forgot. I will send it out with Brooklyn's bday card in a week or so. I love that picture too!
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