I think I am officially a Blog Hopper... if that can even be classified as a word or title. I love to click on the blogs of my friends and family and then click on the blogs of their friends and family. Then of course clicking on comments you see even more blogs. It has been my way of finding people that I have lost contact with. I love seeing the pictures and reading the words of people I haven't seen in 6, 8, or even 10 years.
So I must apologize if your family name appears under our "Friends & Family" list and you did not wish it so. Please please please let me know if you have problems with me adding your family to my blog. I just like having your link close at hand so I can check up on you and your family every once in awhile. If you know me currently or knew me or my husband at some point in your past then feel free to add us to your blog as well!
Am I the only blog hopper??? Please tell me there are more of my kind....
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Blog Hopper
Posted by Tenille at 11:15 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
One Week til School Starts!
Isaac's first day will be next Wednesday. He is so excited (as am I!). Last night we were able to go to his school orientation and meet his teacher, Mrs. Christian. Isaac's really excited because she seems super nice. She's young too so I think she'll be able to handle all his energy pretty well. There are only 15 kids in Isaac's class which is a change from the 24 kids in his preschool class. Hopefully that means more one on one time with the teacher. As all the kids sat in their little chairs last night listening to their teacher, Doug and I looked around and laughed as we noticed Isaac was the giant of the classroom. There were even a few kids that actually looked half the size of Isaac. It made me question if we made the right decision putting him in E5 instead of Kindergarden. But Doug reminded me that he'll more then likely never get bullied because he's so much bigger and he'll more then likley be ahead of the class. So I guess we will see how the school year goes.
Isaac is especially excited that he gets to ride the bus to school. He was able to meet his bus driver last night and sit on the bus as well. He was amazed at how big the bus was (much bigger then the ones he has ridden on before). Of course I'm nervous as a mom sending my first kid off to school on a bus- but it's reassuring knowing the school is right around the corner and he won't be on the bus very long. Only 7 days to go....
Posted by Tenille at 8:41 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Today my sister in law AnnMarie gave birth to her 5th child, a little boy! I was able to be there for the entire birth and it was the most beautiful experience ever. I have gained so much new respect for AnnMarie- she was amazing. Pumped with Pitocin the last few hours, no epidural, no taring, and calm as a woman at a spa up until she hit 10cm. Little Joshua Lee Norton was born at 4:51pm weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces and was 21 inches long. He has a beautiful head of dark hair too. Watching AnnMarie has made me both excited and nervous for November to roll around... it's getting so close!
Are you wondering what the 23 means? Well, little Joshua is my 23rd nephew/niece. Amazing huh? There are 10 on the Mapley side: Tyler, Bailey, Chase, Brinley, Brooklyn, Ethan, Tatum, Chloe, Kennedy, and Grace. 13 on the Norton side: Jacob, Sam, Emma, Matthew, Jarod, Nathan, Jonathan, Grace, "Joshua", Sommer, Brandon, Olivia, and Logan. One more niece will be joining the Norton side sometime in October... the babies just keep on coming!
Posted by Tenille at 10:04 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Personal Battle

Posted by Tenille at 1:25 PM 6 comments
Tag Your It!
I am: Tenille
I know: my family will be together forever
I want: a long tropical relaxing vacation!
I have: the most beautiful family
I wish: I could jump to November
I hate: the fact that I'm addicted to junk food and love to snack... horrible horrible habit
I miss: Grandpa Mapley- his silly comments always brought laughter into the room
I fear: losing my children or husband
I feel: exhausted, drained, tired, huge, and so very ready for school to start for Isaac
I hear: my kids playing
I smell: a very unclean house- should've cleaned before blogging!
I crave: oh a little bit of everything- a ranch salad from Big Boy with eggs, cheese, & ham
I search: for ways of making my family life a little better, a little more stable, a little more organized
I wonder: what this new little baby will look like, will he have the same hyper personalities as my first two or will he be my quiet reserved child (like Doug was as a kid... hiding in cupboards)
I regret: being mean to my hubby when he didn't deserve it
I love: Doug, Isaac, Bella, and little unborn Carter
I care: about everyone else's happiness- sometimes forgetting about my own
I always: watch way too much tv- just to unwind during my day
I am not: fulfilling my role as wife and mother to the best of my abilities. I know I can do so much better and intend to start doing so
I believe: children follow or examples and not our words
I dance: ummmm never! I'm a horrible dancer and to be quite honest don't enjoy it the slightest bit
I sing: usually only during church (sacrament meeting hymns). I do miss singing solos and duets... I need to do that more often.
I fight: with myself. My emotions are controlling me way too much with this pregnancy
I write: on paper? it's rare and I need to do it more often. I used to be great about journaling
I lose: the fight to refrain from eating junk food
I win: during almost every argument between Doug and I. He gives in way to easily and just knows he's better off to let me win (or let me think I win)
I never: eat seafood- gag me!
I listen: -yeah this one has me stumped.... sorry
I am scared: of someone trying to snatch away my beautiful kids
I need: more time to sleep, Bella out of our bed so I can sleep, Isaac to sleep through the night again without getting "scared" or "hot" or "cold", my kids to sleep in past 7.... and on and on and on....
I am happy about: where my life has ended up. I am so very blessed to be surrounded by family both immediate and extended, to have the gospel and be actively involved in the Gospel, to have a husband who loves me unconditionally, and to have 2 and half children who are absolutley amazing. I am blessed
I TAG: Tonia, Trina, & Kristin!
Posted by Tenille at 9:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Lapeer Days Festival

Posted by Tenille at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Canada Trip & Family Beach Day Slides
The second slide is of a recent day at the beach (which ended up including over half the Mapley Family). I had too much fun taking pictures and chose not to get in the water. Trina tried that plan but James managed to get her in anyhow. Everyone had lots of fun that day, especially the kids. I feel so blessed to be so close to family. I know there are many families who do not have the connection that we do and that is so sad to me. Tonia we miss you and your family!
Posted by Tenille at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bitter Sweet
Posted by Tenille at 3:41 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Roughly 3 Months To Go!

Posted by Tenille at 6:01 PM 5 comments