Doug and I had the honor of going up in the air in this amazing fighter plane with our friend, the pilot Steve Morrey. The kids loved sitting in it before take off. Doug loved every minute of it... especially the spirals in mid air. He told Steve to go crazy with me (which Doug should've known better). I had so much fun... up until one last trick that got me sick. Just as we hit the runway to land... my lunch ended up all over the plane. I felt so bad, but Doug and I both had a blast!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Flying a Russian Fighter Plane
Posted by Tenille at 12:18 AM 3 comments
Model Rockets
Doug was in love with model rockets when he was a kid. For some reason once he hit his teenage years he found other interests... maybe wrestling, football, and girls??? But now he gets to relive his childhood as he introduces Isaac to the world of model rockets.Bella joined in too. They had fun putting together and launching this one... although it ended up landing in the lake and only was launched once. Hopefully another one will be built soon.
Posted by Tenille at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
17 and half Norton Grandbabies...
So this past summer we were able to have a little Norton Family Reunion. (Pictures of that will have to be put in slideshow for you later). Unfortunatley Doug's brother and sister (Bonnie & Kevin) couldn't make it... but it was a crazy, fun adventure with our ever growing family.
Jacob, Sam, Emma, Matthew, Jarod, Nathan, Jonathan, Grace, Joshua, Sommer, Brandon, Olivia, Emily, Isaac, Bella, Carter, Logan, and baby boy in Emily's tummy... makes 17 and a half. We tried ever so hard to capture a photo of all the grandbabies with their Meme and Papa. Here's what came out.
Posted by Tenille at 11:41 PM 3 comments
Hartwick Pines State Park
In August we decided to be spontaneous and get away for the weekend... Doug had been wanting to go to Hartwick Pines for years now and I finally gave in. It was so beautiful to walk through the woods and the kids had a blast at all the little logging museums and visiting center. They even got to meet Smokey the Bear.
Posted by Tenille at 11:30 PM 3 comments
Summer Fun
Guess what??? I'm updating with photos!!! Yippee.... now I have over 2000 photos I have taken since May (the park pictures on here). So I'm going to pick and choose which to post. Starting with some fun ones from the summer...
The kids spent MUCH of their summer playing with their cousins Kennedy and Grace. They had fun one day making "Chalk Paintings" on the driveway. Messy, but fun and really pretty!
Posted by Tenille at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Forgotten Blog....
At least once a week I think to myself: I should update my blog. My sister Trina is often reminding me that I need to update as well and I keep making promises (and unfortunatley not following through with them). I'm not sure why either... it's not like my life is crazy hectic and busy. At first that was my excuse until I read my other sisters blog... about soccer... practices and games 7 days a week, 7 different teams for her 5 kids, 14 or more games a week.... AND she still finds time for the gym, AND time to update her blog. What the???
So... here I am, trying... if Tonia can do it, then so can I.
I have SO SO SO many pictures I could post on here from the entire summer (which has been how long its been... an entire summer). I may add some through a slide show, we shall see. In the mean time, this is my update (pictures to come at a later date)
Isaac is officially a Kindergardener. Although he could pass for 1st or 2nd grade with his height. He's a smart kid that could totally be in 1st grade right now... so far the papers that are coming home are looking JUST like E5. C'mon, he already knows his numbers, colors, and alphabet... teach my kid some math or to read! Guess I may have to do that end of it all at home. Anyhow... Isaac turns 6 this month. He has requested to have an Army party (mostly becuase of his awesome Uncle Eric who served many years in the army as a pilot). He tells everyone about that! I just bought him an army pilot costume and so far, he's been wanting to wear it everywhere. No sports this semester... too young for local football teams, and soccer... well he's still not old enough to play on the "teams" instead he would have to join Little Kickers again and just practice. Which he refuses to do because he wants the competition. We'll start back up with wrestling and baseball in the spring.
Bella just started her first year of preschool and LOVES it! She tells everyone that she is going to Isaac's preschool. She also loves to add "I go all by myself". Her favorite part is the painting... every day there is a painting project hanging up from Bella. Maybe a future artists on my hands. I was going to sign her up for dance but procrastinated way too long. Guess I'll wait til next year. In January she'll start swimming and gymnastics again. She spends most of days walking aroudn the house dancing and singing. She loves them both so much... especially the singing.
Carter will be one in November and I can hardly believe it. He's crawling around like crazy and pulling himself up on everything. Just the other day there was a tall toy in the middle of the living room so he pulled himself up on it and then proceeded to let go and stand there shaking his hands so excited that he was standing on his own... only to fall down on his bum. Soon enough my little guy will be walking. So sad! Carter is a mama's boy... LOVES HIS MAMA. Refuses bottles, but LOVES table food. Eats practically anything you put in front of him. Finally drinks from a sippee cup and on his own too. So that is a nice relief. He's a big baby... last check up (a few weeks back) he weighed in at 24 pounds and was (I think) 27 and half inches... althought that 27 sounds weird. Anyhow, he's my little snuggle baby and loves to snuggle me... I love it and savor it as much as I can.
Wow, this update could go on and on and on... for now, that's it. I'll try to add pictures soon. TRY being the main word.
Posted by Tenille at 11:34 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
2 Months???
Holy Cow! I let 2 months go by before updating this blog... that's bad. So sorry to any of you who check in regularily. Blame it on facebook! I spend so much time on there that I don't take the time on the blog. But plan to do better...
So I am currently in the process of editing and placing over 700 photos on CDS from my camera. I know! Horrible right? I take WAY too many pictures, but have good intentions... I want to capture at least one great photo from each event. SO.... once I am done I will be sure to update on here with several pictures and posts.
In the mean time... today is Isaac's last day of school! Can't believe summer is already here. I am actually really excited though. I hope it doesn't fly by too fast.
Posted by Tenille at 9:48 AM 5 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Park Day on St. Patty's Day
St. Patrick's day was almost a month ago... however I'm just now uploading pictures! Nice weather is VERY rare where we live so we HAVE to take advantage of it when it comes. It just so happened to arrive on St. Patrick's day... the kids where so psyched they didn't have to wear coats. This was one of our first trips back to the park since the fall. They were all full of smiles!
Carter spent most of his time chillin' in his carseat. Quite content so long as he could "sit up" and play with his toys.
Posted by Tenille at 6:20 PM 2 comments
Three Musketeers!
The Norton sister in laws tend to have our babies in rounds (3's or 4's). Here is the most recent "round" of babies- Emily, Joshua, and Carter.
And here is another group of "Three Musketeers" getting into some mischief!
Posted by Tenille at 5:56 PM 1 comments
I've been meaning to upload these pics for awhile now. Bella has hit the terrible twos a little late. She has been doing VERY stinky things... and has spent allot of time in the time out. This is the most recent "stinkiness"... Left her in the living room with Isaac to watch TV for maybe 10 minutes or so... and this is what I found. Orange dish soap... everywhere!
My guilt stricken daughter in time out...
Posted by Tenille at 5:43 PM 4 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
For My Epileptic Niece, Sommer
I have a 7 year old niece who was diagnosed with epilepsy roughly one year ago in May of 2008. She is one of the most severe and complicated cases in the USA. I know I will never truley understand what my brother and sister in law are going through and I will never understand or comprehend what little Sommer is going through. There is not much I am able to do but this website that Rachael started finally gave me the opportunity to help them in a small way.
Just a few weeks ago the kids did not have school so Rachael decided she would bring everyone up to my house for a play day. All was well until I recieved a phone call that morning from Rachael to inform me that Sommer had two drop seizures, one of which was on the stairwell. This has become a way of life for Rachael and Brian but for me it is still so hard to comprehend. I'm in shock every time I hear of a seizure (which come in so many forms). Sleep is very vital for Sommer. If she doesn't get the amount of sleep she is in need of then the siezures are more likely to occur, even on medication. Sommer is an amazing little girl that deserves to have her childhood back. Please take the time to view this website and if you are unable to contribute financially then please contribute with your prayers.
Posted by Tenille at 10:53 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Diesel's in Heaven...
Posted by Tenille at 8:45 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Baby Madilyn

Posted by Tenille at 2:45 PM 4 comments
The Big Brother

Posted by Tenille at 2:37 PM 1 comments