Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Preschool Graduation
Posted by Tenille at 8:25 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Bahama Cruise

Posted by Tenille at 9:48 AM 1 comments

Posted by Tenille at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
#3 in the Oven
Some friends of ours have yet to learn the news that we are expecting #3... yes that means another baby. It has been quite the experience for me (and I'm pretty sure Doug would agree). This first trimester has been a great trial on our family and our marriage. However, that very statement is what makes this little baby all the more special to us. We began of course with the fear of miscarriage (due to past experiences). Taking progesterone as a preventative to such a fear. For the first time (with 4 pregnancies under my belt) I experienced the true meaning of morning sickness (in my case it was 24 hour sickness). Losing 5 pounds in a week the doctor put me on an anti-nausea medicine called Zofran. I was in love! However, that seemed to have side effects that I will not attempt to bore you with. Our little family experienced weeks of "no mommy/no wife". That is... I was feeling no desire to cover any of my responsiblities. The fatigue is really what seemed to cripple me. Dinner was a rare occasion for Doug to come home too, as well as a nice clean home. My goal each day was simply to make sure the kids survived, and that I did. I was an emotional nutcase. However things are now looking up. Hallelujah!
Today I mark the calendar at 11 weeks. The sickness has disappeared (knock on wood), the fatigue is gradually exiting my body and mind, and I'm beginning to relax about this baby as I near the second trimester. I was able to see the heartbeat via ultrasound on Monday (during a miscarriage scare...). Dr. Ritten said everything looked normal. Music to my ears! I don't have the ultrasound picture to upload but I thought I'd add a web link so you could see how our little bean is growing and what stage it is at. Isaac is certain I'm carrying his baby brother, however we have to wait til June to figure that one out. Bella points and says "baby in tummy" and I'm sure if she had the vocabulary she would claim there's a sister in there. The next 6 months much of this blog may consist of the pregnancy ... so check in weekly, I'll be sure to write more as the pregnancy progresses.
Posted by Tenille at 2:59 PM 3 comments
The Journey Begins!
Well, here we go... officially joining the bloggers of the internet. A catchy new thing that just seems to be everyone's new addiction. I am very much computer illiterate and pray I can figure things out as I go. I love the idea of keeping everyone posted on our lives without sending out nagging emails. Those who care to know, can just check in on us here and get the weekly scoop on the Lil' Norton Clan. So welcome to our blog spot... hope you enjoy the future blogs to come. I will do my best at adding pictures (that is where I am the most illiterate). An exciting journey lies ahead. Just remember to bare with me... in Doug's words- I talk too much (which means I will type too much) and well, I cannot spell very well either. Enjoy!
Posted by Tenille at 10:53 AM 2 comments